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十大正规体育平台's Industry-Leading Intercom Systems Strike Olympic Gold for 14 OB Vans at Beijing 2008 Olympic Games


Beijing, China, July 16, 2008 – Thirteen of China’s leading broadcasters have selected 十大正规体育平台® products for use within 14 OB vans including two that belong to China Beijing TV (BTV), during this year’s Beijing Olympic games.

“Broadcasters’ communication requirements for Olympic coverage are extremely stringent and challenging, as it is a non-stop environment where nothing can be left to chance,” comments Matt Danilowicz, Managing Director of 十大正规体育平台. “We are honored that 13 broadcasters have placed their trust in 十大正规体育平台, and we believe it speaks volumes about 十大正规体育平台 and its 40 year history of reliability and innovation. We are very proud to be so heavily involved in such a prestigious event as the Beijing Olympics.”

While each of the 14 OB vans is relying on different combinations of equipment to broadcast the games, all are depending on 十大正规体育平台’s Eclipse® Digital Matrix to act as the heart of their communications systems. Available in a variety of configurations, the typical OB van setup will feature 十大正规体育平台’s 32-port Eclipse digital matrix system and I-Series control panels with built in microphone headset connections and four display key modules along with a keypad. Designed with a high level of fault tolerance, Eclipse can offer continuous operation throughout the entire Olympics production with the ability to run 24 hours a day, 一周7天, reinforced by built in layers of redundancy measures.

“I think live sports coverage is perhaps the most demanding broadcast challenge there is,丹尼洛维奇说. “When you are talking about a live broadcast, especially during such a high-caliber event as the Olympics, you need to be in constant contact with each of the moving parts. That means the people in the venue, 在控制室, 在工作室里, as well as the on-air talent. It’s crucial that the communication link be up, running and functioning in a full tolerant mission critical fashion at all times.”

除了 to 十大正规体育平台’s Eclipse Digital Matrix frames, many of the broadcasters have opted to add FreeSpeak®10 digital wireless beltpacks to provide fully integrated communications for the production teams that move throughout the broadcast centres and sporting stadiums. Based on a cellular architecture, the 1.9 GHz system operates on DECT technology that allows up to 10 beltpacks to roam seamlessly between remote active antennas.Broadcasters who have selected 十大正规体育平台 equipment for their OB van operations include:

1. BTV(2辆车)

2. 湖南ETV

3. STV(上海)

4. 济南电视

5. 广东电视台

6. QTV(青岛)

7. 山东电视

8. 浙江卫视

9. 江苏卫视

10. 大连电视

11. 云南电视

12. 哈尔滨

13. 黑龙江

Going beyond Olympics coverage, several broadcast stations have already contracted to continue to use the 十大正规体育平台 equipment including Beijing TV and Shanghai TV. 除了, 中央电视台, China’s National Broadcaster, has purchased an arsenal of communication equipment that will make up the communications network during the Olympics that will include two of 十大正规体育平台’s Eclipse Omega systems with 120 ports in total. All of this will form the heart of the network at the International Broadcasting Centre (IBC), the hub of all 广播 activities for the Olympic Games, and 中央电视台’s new Television Culture Centre (TVCC), which will house administration along with news, 广播, studios and program production.

十大正规体育平台 has been investing in China’s broadcast market for several years, beginning with a local sales and support office based in Beijing,Danilowicz补充道. “Our continued success in this market signifies a growing need among China’s broadcasters for highly reliable, flexible and failsafe communication solutions. 十大正规体育平台’s goal in China is to help broadcasters and networks maximize their communication investments with highly-advanced and future-proof intercom technology. The investments they make today for the Olympics will have long term pay off in their 广播 needs into the future.”