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上升, 十大正规体育平台 and Broadcast Industry Leaders Join Forces to Host STEM Workshops for Primary Schools


Focus is on Mentoring, Education, Empowerment and 电视制作 Basics

在一天内制作一部电视节目是相当正常的, but when the technical teams are made up of 10- and 11-year-old schoolchildren whose only prior TV experience is deciding what to watch, 它变得更有挑战性.

这就是。 上升 组织,十大正规体育平台® and key broadcast industry sponsors BT体育和ITV recently experienced when they hosted the latest in an ongoing series of unique TV production workshops, but the results were more rewarding than any ratings win or commercial success. 上升是一个倡导性别多样性的组织, 教育和科学意识, 技术, 工程和数学(STEM)主题, 尤其是在广播行业. 自2017年成立以来, 该组织开展了指导项目, 网络事件, 研讨会及会议, often collaborating with universities and industry partners to address the widely acknowledged shortfall of new talent – female and male – in primarily engineering and technical operational roles.

In 2019, 上升 led a broadcast industry roundtable to discuss new ways of approaching talent recruitment and encouraging students to consider engineering and technical roles as potential career paths. One result was the “上升 Up” series of workshops designed to give students hands-on experience with broadcast technologies while working alongside industry professionals.

The first workshops were held shortly after, with another recently completed in early March. Each followed a similar format: produce a quiz show-style program in one day, using middle-school students as the technical and creative staff. 给约翰·斯派洛, 十大正规体育平台的EMEA高级系统顾问, the March workshop was his second experience supporting the 上升 Up program with a communications system provided by 十大正规体育平台, 他发现这个过程既迷人又令人满意.

“一天开始的时候,学生们都很沉默, 井然有序地排队入座,他说. “Then, a buzz of chatter and excitement led to utter chaos that evolved into real teamwork. They all got through it and by the end of the day their shared sense of achievement was amazing to see.”

The day began with an introduction to the basics of television production, presented by 上升 Up team leader Andy Beale of BT Sport who covered TV video and audio transmission including pixels and color, 显示方向, 相机操作, 图形, audio, 照明, 视觉效果和通讯. 下一个, the students were divided into groups led by a volunteer from the industry and they were told to find the equipment and cable it together.

The morning session was dedicated to building a studio and setting up the quiz show’s production workflow. 午休后, 各队集中精力排练, 脚本修改, 广告时间和电视制作的其他元素, with the students rotating so everyone would have a turn at learning a new role.斯派洛说:“这很激烈,但也很有趣。. “我们一步一步地指导他们完成整个过程. It’s less about actually producing TV content and more about helping the students learn, 给他们信心, providing a hands-on experience with engineering and exposing them to a potential career path they might not have otherwise considered.”

上升 plans to continue the workshop series at schools throughout the U.K.然后将该项目推广到其他国家. New groups of industry professionals will be continually trained as team leaders, furthering the original 上升 goal of mentoring and fostering relationships between industry professionals and students that can last throughout a career or lifetime – with the mentees one day becoming mentors to others. “这是我们最理想的发展方向,尼基·费舍尔说, 十大正规体育平台的销售总监和上升的董事会成员. “Many of the professionals participating in this program would have loved to have had a mentor when they were beginning their careers, 但当时根本没有这样的东西存在. I look back at my early education and remember the first time I picked up an oscilloscope on the physics bench and the impact it had in terms of giving me some direction about what I wanted to do. 我也是上升的导师, so I've got real insight into what you can gain from the program and what workshops like these can deliver for a student deciding on a career.”

Fisher added the workshops have led to 上升 team members and the students’ parents staying in touch after the events, 所以在摄像头停止后,体验可以继续, 正在开展进一步的后续活动和活动. The program is also exposing the potential benefits of engineering and 技术 to a diverse set of students.“

Some of the participating children may be academically challenged or have certain learning difficulties, but the STEM topics covered in these workshops are a perfect fit for their natural and creative abilities,费雪说. “Their teachers have told us, ‘In these environments, they have absolutely shone.’ Quite often at this age people dismiss these types of subjects, mainly because they don't actually know they can lead to a career.”

除了十大正规体育平台, BT体育和ITV, other companies providing their 技术 and expertise for the 上升 Up workshops include Sky, 上镜的OB, dB广播, 时间线电视和黑魔法, 还有很多自由志愿者. For example, 十大正规体育平台 has built a modular communications kit built around its HelixNet® digital networked partyline intercom system that can be easily packed and shipped from one event to the next.“

十大正规体育平台提供的通讯工具, 以及支持这些讲习班的工作人员, has meant that young children are gaining a full understanding of how broadcast studios are set-up and work in live environments,嘉莉·伍顿说, 上升总经理. “We're really looking forward to continuing this work with 十大正规体育平台 to inspire, 告知和教育全美的儿童.K. 十大正规体育平台广播技术行业.”