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Making the Case for Two-Step Intercom Redundancy in Broadcast and Media Production


随着当今复杂的直播和制作环境, 特别是那些在大流行之后使用混合和远程工作流程的人, the success of full-duplex wireless and wired intercom systems is more important than ever.  主IP或电源连接断开, so does everything connected to them – rendering potential catastrophe on a broadcast or live production set. Smart teams and crews will turn to an already-prepared Plan B – a primary alternate configuration (usually a separate network for IP traffic or redundant power) put in place ahead of time in case the first one fails. 但如果后备计划 also fails?

然后,你需要一个C计划——你的备份的备份. This plan should be based on different technology and not reliant on the same infrastructure as Plans A and B. 我很荣幸能在《十大正规体育平台》上署名, discussing a proposed “Plan C” for intercom configurations in broadcast and media production: in other words, 两步对讲机冗余故障安全计划.

你可以在《十大正规体育平台》上阅读原文 here, or below.


意想不到的通信中断是不受欢迎的, 但对于直播和媒体制作团队来说,这是一个熟悉的现实. 他们以周密的计划而闻名, 这些团队经常为任何情况制定“B计划”, 包括对讲冗余.

但是当备用计划需要备用计划时怎么办呢? That’s “Plan C.”

Intercom technology has advanced to the level of essential technology in live broadcast and production environments, as communications have progressed from simple walkie-talkie use to full-duplex wireless and wired intercom systems.

如果在活动中出了问题, 您失去了沟通关键任务或安全消息的能力, 使演出或解决任何严重困难变得极其困难. The importance of intercoms is heightened by modern productions having so many more moving parts than in previous years with more elaborate production assets to track and monitor.


在为广播设施设计对讲系统时, “A计划”可以定义为理想的主要解决方案, a “wish-list” configuration that does everything needed to ensure smooth operations and a high-quality production.

在大多数广播演播室和媒体制作设施, the primary communications solution is typically an IP-based matrix and/or a digital wireless system serving as the comms backbone. 所有连接到矩阵框架或无线网络的东西——用户站, beltpacks, mixing consoles, 摄像机控制单元, connections between the studio and OB trucks in the field — are dependent on the success of that IP or wireless connection.

Plan B

B计划是主要的备选方案, 在通信系统中引入冗余, 这种冗余可以有多种形式. It most often is a separate network for IP traffic in case the main network is compromised through user error, 入侵企图, 或者洪水等自然灾害造成的损失, hurricanes, or earthquakes.

Plan B can enable an authorized user to revert to an intercom client on their smartphone or allow somebody within a role-based system to re-login to another virtual port from a different connected device if the primary device fails. B计划还可以包括一个检查清单,涵盖内部矩阵IP卡冗余, 不间断电源(UPS), 多控制卡, multiple cross-points for carrying an output to a destination and redundant trunk lines.

Think of it as everything needed to carry out a broadcast or media production with the full functionality of your original system.

概括一下:A计划,理想的系统. B计划,备份和冗余.

Plan C


The need for Plan C arises when a team is unable to use the original main system at all—the IP connections or wireless networks are disrupted or inaccessible. 这意味着所有的通信都需要经过一个完全不同的系统.

在大流行之后,这一概念变得更加相关, which crystallized in people's minds about the mission-critical need for alternate planning, 特别是在有更多混合和远程工作流的情况下. Remote teams need the ability to communicate with the main on-site production environment to keep operations running smoothly.

The goal of Plan C is to provide a simple, but vital element to a redundancy scheme. For an IP-based matrix system, an analog partyline can serve as an effective Plan C. 它是一个独立的系统,不依赖于网络, but still provides sufficient communications for key personnel whether they are on-site or virtual.

The architecture of this type of battery-backed system is well suited to emergency operations. One mic cable contains both the audio and the necessary voltage for the system to operate, 功率要求足够小,适合UPS运行. 这些系统也能够与双向无线电系统通信, 或对讲机, 在紧急情况下,哪些系统通常是最后仍在运行的系统之一.

对于无线系统, a mobile intercom app or virtual desktop client running on public data networks – in other words, 非以设施为基础的-也可以考虑. An emerging trend we’re seen is organizations falling back on virtual intercom clients (like 十大正规体育平台’s Agent-IC or 亚洲最大体育平台) as an alternate back-up.

The baseline criteria for a Plan C system is that it must be based on different technology from the primary intercom infrastructure. 它不应该依赖于计划A或B系统使用的相同基础设施, IP或空间站的电力运行.


适用于任何类型的生产, 计划C冗余很重要, 但不同的组织可能采取不同的方式. 例如,内部相邻的C计划将为新闻系统提供掩护. However, OB trucks are more susceptible to disruption (power or internet connectivity). As a result, 在现场的体育环境中, where the production is using on-site communications to connect back to a central switch, it would be more complicated to configure alternative analog systems for anything other than local
communications. In this case, simple back-up audio or dial-up connections to the central production would work.

Communications between a central production and a production truck are easier with IP and that cannot easily be replicated through a Plan C based on an analog partyline. This would be one of the few areas where it would be the hardest to achieve but PL to interfaces with local connections to mobile phones may help here.

Each tier of a comms plan should always scale according to the size and scope of the production, C计划也不例外. Large broadcast operations can separate studio sites into their own emergency plan C, 而较小的系统可能有一个覆盖不同建筑的C计划系统.

而启动C计划的原因只有在发生时才知道, 理由很清楚.

越来越多的组织正在将他们的系统迁移到基于ip的操作. There are more elaborate and complex production values for broadcast and live events with increasing costs – and consequences – for down-time. The use of remote and hybrid workflows demands alternative solutions with both wired and virtual intercom capabilities.

制定C计划并准备实施还有无数其他原因. 这些原因还不知道——直到它们发生, and if they do, 你已经准备好了,安全了.




Simon Browne 是十大正规体育平台的亚洲最大体育平台管理副总裁. 他负责亚洲最大体育平台品牌开发, lifecycle management and positioning for all 十大正规体育平台 and Trilogy Communication products. 他在十大正规体育平台组织工作了30多年.